Product Update - Mid-September 2019

We're back again with another round of updates bringing you a new Clips page and some highly requested video playback functionality.

Joe Thibault avatar
Written by Joe Thibault
Updated over a week ago

Hot on the heels of our last update, this round of enhancements was heavily influenced by the valuable feedback we received from people like you! Let's see what's new...

Introducing the Clips page

Being able to easily save important events and share them with your team is critical to operating and protecting your business. We've introduced a new page, called Clips, where you can quickly find all of your saved events in one convenient place. Go there now.

Clips is currently in an open Beta, meaning new functionality and updates will be steadily pushed out. Your continued feedback will help drive these advancements so please let us know what you think by posting in our Feedback tool.

Slow Motion playback

Another highly requested feature is the ability to watch video at a slower speed. This allows you to notice things that would normally get missed during regular playback like hands in a cash register or other incidents of theft.

Use the speed slider to select from three different slow motion speeds: 0.75x, 0.50x, 0.25x. Try it out now.

Fullscreen playback

Immerse yourself in your video with an decluttered view of of Solink with an improved fullscreen feature. Now, the entire screen is taken up by the player when entering fullscreen and not just the current browser window. 

Keyboard Shortcuts
We have also introduced a variety of keyboard shortcuts to help you get the most out of the web application. Whether it's jumping into a capability like motion search, stepping through your video, or creating a motion alert, these are just a short click away. To find out what the keyboard shortcuts are, click the new keyboard icon. 

The shortcuts that are available on that page will be displayed, or just press CTRL and '/' on Windows or CMD and '/' on Mac to show the list.  

As always, let us know what you think of this round of updates and what you would like to see next by leaving us a comment in our Feedback tool located along the left side of the app.

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